After some furious protesting outside of the Wiscorksin offices for Fair Trade, Weights and Measures by some disgruntled drug users, it has been passed by Wiscorksin Ministers at an emergency board meeting that as of this day forward, all drug dealers must sit and pass a new course of arithmetic for dealers. The new Methmatics exam is to insure the correct amount of any given narcotic substance is to Wiscorksin Methmathic standard and accurately measured to the amount stated.
"It had come to our attention that some negligent and slipshod suppliers were not adhering to the Fair-trade practices that were outlined in the initial Wiscorksin business charter (article 5.02.1 sect b) and we decided to take affirmative action," stated Minister Finn, "so we took it upon ourselves to take these ambiguous practices to task. Our aim is to ensure fair and just portions for all and not only that, we also aim to instill a sharp awareness for time-keeping and time-management to these delinquent and dilatory fellows."
The Methmathical referendum was unanimously supported by all cabinet members and rushed through with only a minimum of fuss. "I hope this is the dawning of a new age of considerable candor and righteousness for all involved, and we can all get back to living our life in the glorious manner to which we are accustomed." spoke the Minister for Inebriation and Recreation at the end of a two hour press conference that was punctuated by frequent bathroom breaks and a hefty intake of 'Jazz-cigarettes'.
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